2008. március 31., hétfő




Market open:

MRK esik...

Az első 5 perc minimumát figyelembe vevő startégia itt eredményes, az MRK 37,5 APR PUT opció ca. 50%-ot emelkedik.

A végeredmény:

A többi részvényt tekintve még a VRTX ment jól.

Potenciális belépési pont: 9:50. Az első 5 perc maximumát figyelő stratégia nem feltétlenül eredményes..

Market closed

2008. március 28., péntek

Earnings season

Mivel a legtöbb lehetőséget ígérő időszakok a vállalati jelentések időszakai, nézzük, hogy ezek mikor is vannak az amerikai tőzsdén:

"Earnings season is the period of time during which a large number of publicly traded companies release their quarterly earning reports. In general, each earnings season begins one or two weeks after the last month of each quarter (December, March, June and September). In other words, look for the majority of public companies to release their earnings in early to mid January, April, July and October. It is important to note that not all companies report during earnings season because the exact date of an earnings release depends on when the given company's quarter ends. As such, it is not uncommon to find companies reporting earnings between earnings seasons.

The unofficial kickoff to earnings season is the release of earnings by Alcoa (NYSE: AA), which is a major aluminum producer and Dow Jones Industrial Average component, as it is one of the first major companies to release earnings after the end of each quarter. It also coincides with an increasing number of earnings reports being released. There is no official end to the earnings season, but it is considered to be over when most major companies have released their quarterly earnings reports, which generally occurs about six weeks after the start of the season.

For example, for the fourth quarter, you will often see an increasing number of earnings reports released in the second week of January (Alcoa typically releases at the start of the second week). About six weeks later, or near the end of February, the number of earnings reports starts to decrease to pre-earnings season levels. There is also very little time between each earnings season. For example, the earnings season for the first quarter begins in early April, which is a little over a month after the end of the fourth quarter season.

This is a very active time in the market as participants (analysts, traders and investors) review the earnings reports, which may affect their positions on or in a company. You can often see a lot of movement in the shares of companies releasing reports as the market reacts to the new data. It is not unheard of to see shares jump 20% or more or to see them fall by this same amount. It is also a highly active time for the financial news media, such as CNBC and The Wall Street Journal. There is extensive media coverage of the major earnings releases from a general recap of the earnings to reporting on whether the companies missed, met or beat analyst expectations."




Market open:

Az APOL nagy gap-el nyit. Túl naggyal.

Nem is mutatott semmit, ahogyan a többi sem.

Napok óta nincs a stratégiának megfelelő részvény (gap up vagy dow, nem túl nagy, min. három havi vagy több maximumon-minimumon, jó forgalom)...

Market closed

BUX részvény index


real time BUX index árfolyam mai

Érdekes lehet még az OTP,MOL és az Amerikában is jegyzett MTELEKOM árfolyamának reakciója a tengerentúli USA tőzsdenyitásra.

OTP real time árfolyam

MOL real time árfolyam

MTELEKOM mai részvény árfolyam

Az MTELEKOM-ot NYSE:MTA kódon jegyzik...

2008. március 27., csütörtök


Market open:

Már a sokadik nap, hogy semmi érdemlegeset nem látok, úgy látszik, hogy a március így telik le...

Market closed

2008. március 26., szerda




Market open:

A JBL nyitott nagy gap-el, de a gap túl nagy...
A JBL lefelé fordult... 9.52...

A JBL gólyafos-effektust mutat.. ide-oda imbolyog....
Az RMBS-re időközben rájött a kitörhetnék, napközben 20%-ot ugrott...

Market closed

2008. március 25., kedd


Market open:

Ma nem láttam említésreméltót a tőzsdén.

Market closed

2008. március 24., hétfő


Market open:

Megérkeztem a locsolkodásból, ami egyben annyit is kjelent. hogy lemaradtam a nyitóról, ami továbbra is magyar idő szerint 14:30-kor kezdődik.

Az indexek hatalmas pluszban vannak, a Bear Stearns is óriásit ugrott felfelé, 110% (!) pluszban van, betölteni látszik az utóbbi idők hatalmas gap-ját.

A Bear Stearns ugrásának oka:

"NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Seeking to mollify angry shareholders and employees, JPMorgan Chase quintupled its offer for Bear Stearns to roughly $10 a share Monday.

The bank will also acquire 39.5% of Bear Stearns (BSC, Fortune 500) by scooping up 95 million newly issued shares in an effort to ensure the deal goes through, according to a statement issued just after the stock markets opened. This part of the deal is scheduled to be completed around April 8.

Bear Stearns shares were trading Monday morning at $11.50, up nearly 93%, while JPMorgan (JPM, Fortune 500) shares were up 3.4% to $47.62.

The buyout's success was drawn into question last week after some large Bear Stearns shareholders mobilized against the buyout. The deal, which was negotiated over three days and announced the evening of March 16, initially valued the troubled investment bank at $2 a share, a 93% discount from its closing price on March 14.

Many Bear Stearns employees, who own about a third of the company, were furious that their stakes would be virtually wiped out. Billionaire Joseph Lewis, whose holdings include 8.35% of Bear Stearns, said in a federal filing last week that his investment funds would "take whatever action that they deem necessary and appropriate to protect the value of their investment."

Executives at both firms defended the modified terms.

"We believe the amended terms are fair to all sides and reflect the value and risks of the Bear Stearns franchise," Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase's chief executive, said in a statement.

"Our Board of Directors believes that the amended terms provide both significantly greater value to our shareholders, many of whom are Bear Stearns employees, and enhanced coverage and certainty for our customers, counterparties, and lenders," Alan Schwartz, Bear Stearns' chief executive, said in a statement.

"The substantial share issuance to JPMorgan Chase was a necessary condition to obtain the full set of amended terms, which in turn, were essential to maintaining Bear Stearns' financial stability," he added.

Also, under the new terms, JPMorgan will bear the risk of the first $1 billion of losses if any of Bear Stearns' assets go bad. The Federal Reserve will run the risk for the remaining $29 billion, instead of being on the hook for all of the first $30 billion in losses, as was originally announced March 16.

JPMorgan was first called March 14 to rescue Bear Stearns, which had suffered a classic run on the bank the day before.

Amid rumors questioning Bear Stearns' financial health, institutional customers had started demanding their funds and asking the bank to put up more collateral to back its borrowings. Bear Stearns turned to the Fed, which asked JPMorgan to funnel funds to the embattled investment bank that the goverment would provide.

Two days later, with the government fearing that Bear Stearns' unraveling would send widespread panic through the financial markets, JPMorgan agreed to purchase Bear Stearns."

Market closed

2008. március 21., péntek

.2008.03.21 - GOOD FRIDAY

Ma kereskedési szünnap - GOOD FRIDAY...

2008. március 20., csütörtök




Market open:

Semmi érdemlegeset nem láttam. Holnap kereskedési szünnap van, Good Friday. A márciusi opciókkal is ma lehetett utoljára kereskedni, lévén hogy holnap lett volna az utolsó kereskedési napjuk.

Market closed

2008. március 19., szerda


Market open:

Ma lemaradtam a nyitásról...

Market closed

2008. március 18., kedd


Market open:

Ma kamatdöntési nap van, úgyhogy ez a nap a nézelődésé.

Láthatóan a tegnap igen nagyot esett pénzügyi szektor ma visszakorrigál...

Market closed

2008. március 17., hétfő


Market open:

WM esik...

A WM nem folytatta az esését. A pénzügyi szektor és az indexek erősen estek.

Market closed

2008. március 14., péntek


Market open:

A BSC nagyarányú esésén kívül - amely azonban nem gap-pel következett be - eseménytelen nap...

Market closed

2008. március 13., csütörtök

2008.03.13 - SIGM


SIGM - -10% gap a pre-marketben..

Market open:

SIGM esik...

A SIGM megfordult nap közben, de ez is elegendő volt az opcióban egy max. 50%-os emelkedéshez.

Market closed

2008. március 12., szerda



PGNX - -50% gap a pre-marketben...

Market open

KLAC esik...

Az opcióban ca. max. 60% volt, de részvény esése nem volt igazán egyértelmű. Éves minimumon van, potenciális belépési pont ez első 5 perc minimuma alatt, 10:20-kor.

Érdekesebben mozgott a tegnapi esése után a HUM, amely ma is óriási gap-pel nyitott, de visszapattant.

13:20-kori belépés esetén az opció dupláz.

Mark closed

2008. március 11., kedd



Potenciális gapperek: HUM,JASO,SST,STP,UNH,WLP

Market open:

A legjobban az STP mozog, a WLP és a HUM esetében túl nagy a gap...

A nagy gap ellenére a HUM tovább esett...

Market closed

2008. március 10., hétfő


Market open:

Az órák átállítása miatt korábban nyit a tőzsde, lemaradtam a nyitásról...
Az időeltolódás miatti nyitvatartási idő: 14:30-21:00-ig...

Egyébként eseménytelen nap...

Market closed

2008. március 7., péntek


Market open:

Eseménytelen nap.

Market closed

2008. március 6., csütörtök


Market open:

MA,MER esnek..

A legjobban a NLY teljesített, az opciója megháromszorozódott...

Market closed

2008. március 5., szerda


Market open:

Ma sem tudtam követni a tőzsdét.

Market closed

2008. március 4., kedd


Market open:

Ma nem tudom élőben követni a tőzsdét...

Market closed

2008. március 3., hétfő


Market open:

Nem látok egyelőre érdekeset.

Hopp, de a FINL megy...

..és csúnyán vissza is esett...

Ma nem is több lehetőség.

Market closed